The herein terms and conditions shall serve as a legally binding contract between you and DC Limo & Car Service/Attaché Executive LLC (“DC Limo”). Therefore, you agree to review the Terms and Conditions, and ensure you understand and comply with the same.
Service calls/appointments shall be made at least 12 hours prior to an intended pick-up time. DC Limo shall/cannot guarantee prompt pick up for calls made less than 12 hours prior to an intended pick up time. DC Limo does not guarantee the performance of services for any call made less than 12 hours in advance of a requested pick-up. Any such calls will be honored based upon availability of vehicles and drivers.
No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.
Moreover, DC Limo has a strict non-smoking policy. Should any client refuse to abide by the same. DC Limo reserves the right to refuse to complete the requested services from any Client.
Finally, in the event you will be accompanied by a service dog and/or a lap pet. The same must be divulged to DC Limo at the time of booking. DC Limo reserves the right to increase pricing based on any such requests.
General Billing: All services shall be billed directly to the Customer’s credit card. Which shall be provided at the time of booking and maintained on file) or to a company’s account. (Unless you have previously applied and been approved, in writing, for other billing terms). DC Limo accepts Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express. A 20% service fee is added to all services provided. Note, however, that Clients are not obligated to tip our drivers. As tips are completely optional and at the discretion of our Clients.
In addition to the 20% service charge. Charges will be added to your invoice. For, without limitation, parking, tolls, fuel surcharges, airport or other special fees, etc.. DC Limo reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to charge a cleanup fee of $250.00 for any excessive mess caused by your party. DC Limo requires a 50% non refundable deposit on all vehicles for eight (8) passengers or more. As well as for all hourly or daily charters.
Trips of unusual duration may require additional fees, such as meals and accommodations for the drivers of DC Limo. Our rates are subject to change without notice. The rate in effect at the time your service was scheduled shall apply. As is customary in the Transportation service industry, fees are calculated on an hourly rate basis and/or based on the mileage of the trip.
DC Limo reserves the right to decide which rate calculation method it desires to use for each and every trip. Time is calculated from the time when the vehicle leaves the pickup location until the time it returns, and there is a three (3) hour minimum charge For Sedans, SUVs, and 4 hours for all other vehicles. Note that waiting time Is charged in thirty (30) minute increments, and fractions are rounded to the next thirty (30) minutes – i.e., 5 minutes equals 30 minutes; 35 minutes equals 60 minutes, etc..
DC Limo reserves the right to charge its Clients for any damage to its vehicles resulting from the actions, negligence and/or recklessness of its Clients during the transportation of any Customer from one point to another. Any such charges shall be billed directly to the Customer’s credit card maintained on file or to the Customer’s Company account.
DC Limo requires a seven (7) day cancellation notice from the service date. This is for all buses, Vans & Stretch Limousines booked for hourly /daily services. As well as long distance transfers to include delegations, IMF meetings, inauguration events, multiple vehicle or out of town events / trips prior to the scheduled pick-up date and time. All cancellations made within seven (7) days of the scheduled trip shall result in a cancellation fee of the full base fare plus the 20% service fee of the trip [50% deposits are nonrefundable].
Cancellations made at pick-up time, as well as “no shows” ( should you not be available or no longer need / want the service/trip when the driver calls or texts you) will result in a cancellation fee of the full base fare of the trip, plus the 20% service fee, plus any applicable wait time fees and expenses (including fuel, tolls, etc.) as described elsewhere in our terms and conditions. Cancellation of greeters with less than (72) hours notice will be charged at the full rate. If you are running late or you cannot locate your driver, please call 866-379-1977 or 202-944-0077 to avoid a “no show” fee.
Services rendered on an hourly basis (such as for special events, parties, etc.) will be billed at then-current hourly rates. Clients will be billed from the pickup time requested, until the time of the drop off. with a minimum charge of three (3) hours for Sedans. four (4)hours for all other vehicles. Hourly services are tabulated and billed in one-hour increments. Services provided city to city are billed on the basis of a round trip, at our hourly rate plus mileage fees. Even if the customer and/or passengers require only one-way service. Wait times required during city-to-city services are billed at the same hourly rate as actual travel time.
Note that waiting time Is charged in thirty (30) minute. Increments, and fractions are rounded to the next thirty (30) minutes. That means 5 minutes equals 30 minutes; 35 minutes equals 60 minutes, etc.
Except where prohibited by applicable law. In no event will DC Limo be liable for any damages. Whether direct, indirect, exemplary, incidental, special, consequential or other damages) arising out of or in any way. Related to these terms or your use of DC Limo’s services, regardless of whether such damages are based on contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. Your sole and exclusive remedy for any of the above claims or any dispute with DC Limo is to discontinue your use of its services.
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. Our services are provided “as is” with all faults. DC Limo makes no express or implied representations or warranties of any kind related to services.
DC Limo may change these Terms from time to time. By posting updates to our website and/or by directly forwarding such updates to your attention. An update will be effective for any use of our Services after the date of the update. If any modification is unacceptable to you, your sole remedy shall be to terminate your further use of our Services. Your continued use of our Services will constitute binding acceptance of such updates/modifications.
DC Limo shall not be liable for circumstances beyond our control. Including, but not limited to mechanical breakdowns, conditions or closure of roads, impact of weather, communication delays, etc.. We shall not be held liable for the loss or damage of personal items. Including items such as baggage, purses, cameras, wallets, items packed within baggage or cases, or other items brought with you or left in the vehicle. DC Limo reserves the right to contract outside affiliates within DC Limo’s network, as needed, to complete requested services.
DC Limo and Car Service
1627 K ST NW Suite 400-16 Washington, DC 20006
Copyright 2025 DC Limo and Car Service & Attache Executive LLC ©